A* 算法跟 很像,只是在下一步搜索中心的选择的方法不一样。 没有任何干预,找离起点 “最近”的邻居作为备选点,如果有若干个邻居都是相同距离的话,纯粹就是按照找到的顺序取第一个。A*算法,找与终点最近的邻居,作为下一个搜索中心。(不过,如果若干个邻居与终点的距离一样呢?)
下面的代码是从 拷贝来的,四个黄色的部分是修改的。
第二个黄色部分: 找与终点最近的邻居作为下一个搜索点。
[~, current] = min(f(:)); [min_dist, ~] = min(distanceFromStart(:));在
里,这部分是:[min_dist, current] = min(distanceFromStart(:));
第三个黄色部分: 排除已经作为搜索点的邻居再次被 min 到的可能性f(current) = Inf; 在
里,这部分是:distanceFromStart(current) = Inf;
第四个黄色部分是新增加的:就是为了计算每一个邻居与终点的距离权值。只不过这里的距离权值预先计算好了放在H矩阵里,所以直需要从 H 里取值就好了。
[X, Y] = meshgrid (1:ncols, 1:nrows);
H = abs(Y - 4) + abs(X - 8);
f = Inf(nrows,ncols);
f(start_node) = H(start_node);
H 有很多种计算方法,可以直接算两点距离之类。
%% % set up color map for display cmap = [1 1 1; ...% 1 - white - clear cell 0 0 0; ...% 2 - black - obstacle 1 0 0; ...% 3 - red = visited 0 0 1; ...% 4 - blue - on list 0 1 0; ...% 5 - green - start 1 1 0];% 6 - yellow - destination colormap(cmap); map = zeros(10); % Add an obstacle map (1:5, 7) = 2; map(6, 2) = 5; % start_coords map(4, 8) = 6; % dest_coords image(1.5,1.5,map); grid on; axis image; %% nrows = 10; ncols = 10; start_node = sub2ind(size(map), 6, 2); dest_node = sub2ind(size(map), 4, 8); % Initialize distance array distanceFromStart = Inf(nrows,ncols); distanceFromStart(start_node) = 0; %====================[X, Y] = meshgrid (1:ncols, 1:nrows);H = abs(Y - 4) + abs(X - 8);f = Inf(nrows,ncols); f(start_node) = H(start_node); %=======================% For each grid cell this array holds the index of its parent parent = zeros(nrows,ncols); % Main Loop while true % Draw current map map(start_node) = 5; map(dest_node) = 6; image(1.5, 1.5, map); grid on; axis image; drawnow; %==================== % Find the node with the minimum distance [~, current] = min(f(:)); [min_dist, ~] =
min(distanceFromStart(:)); %=================== if ((current == dest_node) || isinf(min_dist)) break; end; map(current) = 3; %============ f(current)=
Inf; %============ [i, j] = ind2sub(size(distanceFromStart), current); neighbor = [i-1,j;... i+1,j;... i,j+1;... i,j-1] outRangetest = (neighbor(:,1)<1) + (neighbor(:,1)>nrows) +... (neighbor(:,2)<1) + (neighbor(:,2)>ncols ) locate = find(outRangetest>0); neighbor(locate,:)=[] neighborIndex = sub2ind(size(map),neighbor(:,1),neighbor(:,2)) for i=1:length(neighborIndex) if (map(neighborIndex(i))~=2) && (map(neighborIndex(i))~=3 && map(neighborIndex(i))~= 5) map(neighborIndex(i)) = 4; if distanceFromStart(neighborIndex(i))> min_dist + 1 distanceFromStart(neighborIndex(i)) = min_dist+1; parent(neighborIndex(i)) = current; f(neighborIndex(i))=
H(neighborIndex(i)); end end end end%%if (isinf(distanceFromStart(dest_node))) route = []; else %提取路线坐标 route = [dest_node]; while (parent(route(1)) ~= 0) route = [parent(route(1)), route]; end % 动态显示出路线 for k = 2:length(route) - 1 map(route(k)) = 7; pause(0.1); image(1.5, 1.5, map); grid on; axis image; end end